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What I'm reading

Hi again Em,
Not sure you will be interested (:-)) but here are the books that I have read recently. These are all from the Athenaeum library (that very beautiful library in Melbourne city).

Nightside the Long Sun, by Gene Wolfe

This is the first volume of the “Book of the Long Sun” trilogy. I realise now that this trilogy came before the “Book of the Short Sun” trilogy but it doesn't matter too much that I read it out of order. It is a beautiful book, written back in 1993. Silk, a patera (a type of priest) on a futurist world is the hero. He finds his monastery (called a manteion) and school have been sold off and he tries to get it back. I can't wait to read the next one!

Death and the Dancing Footman / Died in the Wool , by Dame Ngaio Marsh

These are two more books by NZ crime writer Ngaio Marsh. They are both great fun to read and really kept me guessing (my guesses were wrong too!). These two were both set in the Second World War. Death and the Dancing Footman was about a dinner party in an English country house that goes horribly wrong when an unknown person starts trying to murder people! Died in the Wool is set on an NZ sheep station in the South Island. A female MP has been murdered and a German undercover agent is suspected! She writes really well and her characters seem so real.

Take care Em and all the best.
Lots of love,
Aaron xxxooo

Happy Chinese New Year!

Hi Em,
Happy Chinese New Year!!! Chun Jie Kuai Le!!! I hope you have a very happy new year ahead. I have to admit that I still need to send you some presents for this - very sorry about that - they should be coming soon!
It is actually Australia Day holiday today as well, so happy Australia day too! It has been pretty hot and dry in Melbourne recently and unfortunately with more hot weather to come. I was watering from the water tank today to give the plants some relief. So far everything in the garden is coping but it is pretty tough conditions, especially for the newer ones. Some rain would be lovely!
Thinking of you Em and wishing you all the very best. Take care :-)
Lots of love,
Aaron xxxooo

Hi from Athenaeum Library

Hi Em,
Hope you are fine and that you having a good New Year. Things are OK here. Lulu was unwell this week but she seems fine again now. When I got home last Tuesday she was lying by the back door and seemed very weak and unhappy. She also vomitted after I carried her inside. I took her to the after hours vet that night and to her normal vet in the morning. After doing a blood tests the vet thought she might have been hit by something, poor girl. I took her home last night and she seems back to her normal self now, thanks goodness. It is very quiet at home when she is not there. She is a lovely cat!
I'm writing this to you on an XO computer. It is the computer that the One Laptop per Child organisation has made for children in developing countries. It is really sweet to use. I got it through the “Give One, Get One” programme. This is where you buy two XO computers, one is send to children in developing countries and one is for you to keep.
Hope you are having a lovely time, Em. I think it is Chinese New Year soon, so will get you something for then.
Lots of love,
Aaron xxxooo

Happy New Year!

Hi Em,
Happy New Year!! I hope you have a lovely 2009! I have had a fairly quiet New Year but that is quite nice really. There are fireworks and rockets going off right now (luckily Lulu is safe inside). I was in the city earlier this evening and had a look at the fireworks there. It was very busy in the city but interesting to see.
Wishing you all the best for 2009.
Lots of love,
Aaron xxxooo

· 2008/12/31 13:03 · Aaron Cook

Happy Boxing Day!

Hi Emma,
Hope you had a lovely Christmas yesterday. I had a good day. First I went to the St Andrew's church service in the morning and then I went home, quickly cooked a bit and then had a very nice lunch with Alex and Nancy. It was lovely sitting out on the veranda in the warmth after lunch - very peaceful and relaxing. In the evening I phoned your Grandma and Grandpa in NZ to have a chat and wish them a very happy Christmas
Hope you are enjoying a good break now. I'm thinking I'll go for a walk but the day is marching on. If not today, then hopefully tomorrow!
Take care and thinking of you.
Lots of love,
Aaron xxx ooo

· 2008/12/26 01:35 · Aaron Cook

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