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Happy Birthday Emma!

Dear Em,
I hope you are fine. This is to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a lovely birthday on the 27th! Fifteen years old is very grown up - that is really great!
I have a few things for you but I still need to get more. I'll try to post them this weekend!
Things are OK here. Lulu is well and I have been busy with study and work. The study is very enjoyable (I have been learning about library systems, especially MARC and cataloguing. It sounds a bit boring but it is really interesting!).
Winter is here too and it is quite cold in Melbourne. One good thing is that we have had quite a bit of rain, so a lot better than this time last year. This coming Saturday evening I'm involved in recording frog calls at the Yarran Dheran, the local reserve. It will be interesting to see if they are calling (I know I heard them the other day, so I hope so!)
Take care Miss Em and congratulations on turning 15. Wishing you all the very best
Aaron xxxooo

 Birthday presents for 2010

· 2010/05/27 14:00 · Aaron Cook

Happy Chinese New Year!!

Dear Em,
Hope you are fine. Just wishing you a very Happy Chinese New Year!! New Year was earlier this week, so sorry I'm late in posting this! I have bought you some small presents (just the usual stuff), so I'll put a photo of them here and post these soon!
Things are OK here. Work has been extremely busy lately though. Lulu was in a fight with another cat earlier this week and a bite on her back got infected and I had to take her to the vet last night. She is fine though. The abscess has burst and seems to be healing up well. Poor Lulu though!
I'm on the bus to work now. It is Friday, so hopefully day will go OK and I can look forward to a nice weekend.
Hope you are enjoying your New Year celebrations and that you have a great New Year ahead!! Take care and hope to be in touch some time.
Lots of love,
Aaron :-)

Mullum Mullum & Yarra River Walk

Hi Em,
Hope you are well and that 2010 is going well for you! It was first day back at work today but here are some photos from a walk I did in between Xmas and New Year. I walk from my place in Mitcham along the Mullum Mullum creek until it reaches the Yarra river and then down the Yarra river into Melbourne city. It took me the whole day (from 9.45am to about 6.45pm) and I was pretty tired by the end of it but I did enjoy it. I saw my first blue tongue lizard on the walk and several skinks and blue fairy wrens. It was great to see.
Mullum Mullum creek and Yarra river confluence
Yarra Bend Park - I was getting closer to the city now!
Last hill before reaching the edge of the city - can see Abbotfords Convent there by the Yarra
Hope you are fine Miss Em and wishing you all the best.
Lots of love,
Aaron xxx ooo

Happy New Year and Best wishes for 2010!

Hi Emma,
Well, 2009 is almost over and it will soon be 2010! I hope you have had a good year Em. It has been really hot here the last few days but just now the cool change has come through and we have some lovely rain - hope it lasts!
Thinking of you Miss Em and wishing you all the very best :-)
Lots of love,
Aaron xxxooo

Happy Christmas Emma!!

Dear Emma,
I hope you are fine and that you are enjoying Christmas day! I have bought some presents for you Miss Em - just the usual type of stuff but I hope you like them :-)
2009 Christmas presents
(As usual too, I still need to post them - should be soon!!)
I have had a nice day this Christmas. I was at church this morning and there was a very good service with Rev Stan Bannon. Stan is our Supply Minister at St Andrews for the moment because Rev Keith Ellisdon is not able to work and will take early retirement due to his very bad back. It is really sad about Keith - he was only our minister for a short time but he was really good. After church this morning I went home, made some lunch (spicy noodles & vegetables, and some tropical jelly I had made the night before ) and then picked up Nancy Lyne before going to see Alex Lyne in Wantirna Eastern Health respite care. We had a really nice afternoon in Alex's room, sharing food and talking. My friend Alex (you'll remember him I think) had a fall a few weeks ago and so that is why he is resting in respite for a while. He is almost better now apart from a small infection in his foot. They are lovely people to spend time with and I'm very lucky to know them :-).
Tonight I am back home. I spoke to Grandma and Grandpa in NZ on the phone before and they are both fine. They have had a good Christmas as well - they had shared lunch with Uncle Colin & Aunt Nina and where watching a Monty Python DVD when I rang. Now I'm watching “Spirited Away” on SBS, one of my favourite films, so that it a nice way to finished Christmas day.
I hope you are happy and well Miss Em. It would be really great to catch up sometime, so looking forward to that!!
Take care and a very happy Christmas to you!!
Lots of love,
Aaron xxoo
P.S. Lulu is sleeping on the sofa opposite to me - she wishes you a very happy Christmas too!!

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