Dear Emma,
Wishing you a very happy birthday for today! I hope you have a wonderful day! Seventeen is a great age, I hope you have a really good year ahead :). I have gotten you some presents that I hope you will like. See photo below. The book by Lian Hearn, “Across the nightingale floor” is one a read myself just recently and I found it an absolutely gripping story. I stayed up half the night to finish it, so hope you like it too!
I'm sorry to say that I haven't posted these yet but I'll do that soon!
Things are OK here. Lulu is fine and Grandma (my Mum) from NZ visited me last month. I also had a short visit at the same time from your great Aunty Jan from Brisbane and from your cousin (my niece) Jessica from NZ. It was really lovely to have them to visit. Jan and Jessica could only stay a few days and we all had a good look around Melbourne city, including getting some nice vegan food at Lentil as anything at Footscray & the Veggie Hut in Box Hill and having a tram ride from Footscray back to the city and also from Box Hill to the city. It was really nice.
I have to go to church now but I'll write more later today. In the meantime, very best wishes for your bithday and have a lovely day!!
Lots of love,
Aaron :)