Hi Em,
Hope you have been having a lovely birthday! This is just a few more comments from me that I didn't make this morning (before rushing off to church :) ).
I have uploaded the photo of the presents and you can see an Easter egg in there as well. That was for Easter sorry but still hadn't posted it - sorry about that!! I'll post it with the others.
The other news I wanted to tell you was that my old friend, Alex, passed away last Sunday, 20th May at 7.50am. It is a bit sad but he had a wonderful long life of 102 years and he died peacefully in his sleep.His funeral was at St Andrews on the Friday morning just gone and it was a wonderful service. It was taken by Rev Graeme Kerr, who was a student of Alex's when Graeme was a school student. The church was full and the singing sounded wonderful with so many people joining in. So it was sad but also a celebration of the wonderful life.
Hope everything is going well with you, Miss Em. I know I should write more in this blog, so I'll try to do that. Thinking of you and wishing all the very best.
Lots of love,
Aaron :)