Dear Em,
I hope you are fine. This is to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a lovely birthday on the 27th! Fifteen years old is very grown up - that is really great!
I have a few things for you but I still need to get more. I'll try to post them this weekend!
Things are OK here. Lulu is well and I have been busy with study and work. The study is very enjoyable (I have been learning about library systems, especially MARC and cataloguing. It sounds a bit boring but it is really interesting!).
Winter is here too and it is quite cold in Melbourne. One good thing is that we have had quite a bit of rain, so a lot better than this time last year. This coming Saturday evening I'm involved in recording frog calls at the Yarran Dheran, the local reserve. It will be interesting to see if they are calling (I know I heard them the other day, so I hope so!)
Take care Miss Em and congratulations on turning 15. Wishing you all the very best
Aaron xxxooo