What I'm reading

Hi again Em,
Not sure you will be interested (:-)) but here are the books that I have read recently. These are all from the Athenaeum library (that very beautiful library in Melbourne city).

Nightside the Long Sun, by Gene Wolfe

This is the first volume of the “Book of the Long Sun” trilogy. I realise now that this trilogy came before the “Book of the Short Sun” trilogy but it doesn't matter too much that I read it out of order. It is a beautiful book, written back in 1993. Silk, a patera (a type of priest) on a futurist world is the hero. He finds his monastery (called a manteion) and school have been sold off and he tries to get it back. I can't wait to read the next one!

Death and the Dancing Footman / Died in the Wool , by Dame Ngaio Marsh

These are two more books by NZ crime writer Ngaio Marsh. They are both great fun to read and really kept me guessing (my guesses were wrong too!). These two were both set in the Second World War. Death and the Dancing Footman was about a dinner party in an English country house that goes horribly wrong when an unknown person starts trying to murder people! Died in the Wool is set on an NZ sheep station in the South Island. A female MP has been murdered and a German undercover agent is suspected! She writes really well and her characters seem so real.

Take care Em and all the best.
Lots of love,
Aaron xxxooo