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blog:2012:1225_happy_christmas_em 2012/12/25 06:01 blog:2012:1225_happy_christmas_em 2012/12/25 06:01 current
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Hope all is well with you Emma and that you have a happy time at Christmas and a very happy 2013 ahead! Take care and hope we can catch up soon :) !\\ Hope all is well with you Emma and that you have a happy time at Christmas and a very happy 2013 ahead! Take care and hope we can catch up soon :) !\\
-Love,\\ +Lots of love,\\ 
-Aaron (and Lulu of course :-)\\+Aaron (and Lulu of course :-))\\
xxx ooo xxx ooo
blog/2012/1225_happy_christmas_em.1356415263.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/12/25 06:01 by aaron     Back to top