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blog:2012:1225_happy_christmas_em 2012/12/25 05:46 blog:2012:1225_happy_christmas_em 2012/12/25 06:01 current
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Hi Emma,\\ Hi Emma,\\
-Hope you are well. Wishing you a very happy Christmas! I hope you have been having a good Christmas! I have sent you some presents (see photo below) but I only posted them off yesterday sorry, so they'll be a bit late (as usual, sorry!).+Hope you are well. Wishing you a very happy Christmas! I hope you have been having a good Christmas! I have sent you some presents (see photo below) but I only posted them off yesterday sorry, so they'll be a bit late (as usual, sorry!).\\
{{:blog:2012:christmas_2012_12_25.jpg|Christmas presents 2012}} {{:blog:2012:christmas_2012_12_25.jpg|Christmas presents 2012}}
-Today has been a quiet day for me, which is not a bad thing. I went to church in the morning and that was very nice. Rev John Smith retold a short story by Tolstoy during the sermon, which was very moving. You can read an online version of it at [[http://www.inspirationbit.com/a-bit-of-literature-papa-panov-special-christmas/]] if you are interested! +Today has been a quiet day for me, which is not a bad thing. I went to church in the morning and that was very nice. Rev John Smith retold a short story by Tolstoy during the sermon, which was very moving. You can read an online version of it at [[http://www.inspirationbit.com/a-bit-of-literature-papa-panov-special-christmas/]] if you are interested! \\
 +Normally I would have spent Christmas with my old friend Alex but as I mentioned in an earlier post, he passed away in May this year. So I have been having a quiet day with Lulu, eating a nice Christmas lunch and reading my book. The book is "The Locked Room" by Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo. They are wonderful writers of Swedish crime fiction and it is a great book. Their books were written between the mid 1960's and 1970's and feature a melancholy detective called Martin Beck. I'd recommended the series!\\
 +Hope all is well with you Emma and that you have a happy time at Christmas and a very happy 2013 ahead! Take care and hope we can catch up soon :) !\\
 +Lots of love,\\
 +Aaron (and Lulu of course :-))\\
 +xxx ooo
blog/2012/1225_happy_christmas_em.1356414392.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/12/25 05:46 by aaron     Back to top