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blog:2012:0527_happy_birthday_emma 2012/05/26 23:06 blog:2012:0527_happy_birthday_emma 2012/05/27 08:16 current
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Wishing you a very happy birthday for today! I hope you have a wonderful day! Seventeen is a great age, I hope you have a really good year ahead :). I have gotten you some presents that I hope you will like. See photo below. The book by Lian Hearn, "Across the nightingale floor" is one a read myself just recently and I found it an absolutely gripping story. I stayed up half the night to finish it, so hope you like it too!\\ Wishing you a very happy birthday for today! I hope you have a wonderful day! Seventeen is a great age, I hope you have a really good year ahead :). I have gotten you some presents that I hope you will like. See photo below. The book by Lian Hearn, "Across the nightingale floor" is one a read myself just recently and I found it an absolutely gripping story. I stayed up half the night to finish it, so hope you like it too!\\
-<< photo coming soon!>>\\+{{:blog:2012:birthday_2012_05_27.jpg|Birthday presents 27 May 2012}}\\
I'm sorry to say that I haven't posted these yet but I'll do that soon!\\ I'm sorry to say that I haven't posted these yet but I'll do that soon!\\
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I have to go to church now but I'll write more later today. In the meantime, very best wishes for your bithday and have a lovely day!!\\ I have to go to church now but I'll write more later today. In the meantime, very best wishes for your bithday and have a lovely day!!\\
-Love,\\ +Lots of love,\\ 
-Aaron\\+Aaron :)\\
xxxooo xxxooo
blog/2012/0527_happy_birthday_emma.1338073619.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/05/26 23:06 by aaron     Back to top