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blog:2011:1225_happy_christmas_em 2011/12/25 01:19 blog:2011:1225_happy_christmas_em 2011/12/25 01:33 current
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Dear Emma,\\ Dear Emma,\\
-Merry Christmas and I hope you are having a lovely Christmas day! I have got you some presents but I was too late to post them before today (sorry! - I went there yesterday but just missed the closing time, will post as soon as the post office opens again in a few days). See below for a photo. I hope you will like them!\\ +Merry Christmas and I hope you are having a lovely Christmas day! I have got you some presents but I was too late to post them before today (sorry! - I went to the PO yesterday but just missed the closing time, will post as soon as the post office opens again in a few days). See below for a photo. I hope you will like them!\\
 +{{:blog:2011:christmas_2011_12_25.jpg|Christmas presents 2011}}\\
I was at church last night and this morning. We had a nice service last night with carols at 8pm and then a midnight communion service starting at 11.30pm. The 11.30pm service is one of my favourite services as it is very quiet and simple and gives more time for reflection. It was a very hot, humid day yesterday but a cool change and then rain came in the evening. It was quite dramatic to see lots of lightning in the sky as I drove back after the late night service.\\ I was at church last night and this morning. We had a nice service last night with carols at 8pm and then a midnight communion service starting at 11.30pm. The 11.30pm service is one of my favourite services as it is very quiet and simple and gives more time for reflection. It was a very hot, humid day yesterday but a cool change and then rain came in the evening. It was quite dramatic to see lots of lightning in the sky as I drove back after the late night service.\\
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Aaron :) xxx 000 Aaron :) xxx 000
-{{tag>Christmas, presents}}+{{tag>Christmas presents}}
blog/2011/1225_happy_christmas_em.1324775957.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/12/25 01:19 by aaron     Back to top