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blog:2011:0912_happy_moon_festival 2011/09/12 23:30 blog:2011:0912_happy_moon_festival 2011/09/12 23:31 current
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Dear Em,\\ Dear Em,\\
-Just writing to wish you a very happy Moon festival!! I hope you having been having a nice day. I took a photo of the moon tonight and also of another creature that was looking at the moon with me (not sure of you can make her out in the second photo!).\\+Just writing to wish you a very happy Moon festival!! I hope you having been having a nice day. I took a photo of the moon tonight and also of another creature that was looking at the moon with me (not sure if you can make her out in the second photo!).\\
{{:blog:2011:moon_2011_09_12.jpg|Moon}}\\ {{:blog:2011:moon_2011_09_12.jpg|Moon}}\\
{{:blog:2011:lulu_at_night_2011_09_12.jpg|Lulu at night}}\\ {{:blog:2011:lulu_at_night_2011_09_12.jpg|Lulu at night}}\\
blog/2011/0912_happy_moon_festival.1315870209.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/09/12 23:30 by aaron     Back to top