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blog:2010:0219_happy_chinese_new_year 2010/02/18 21:36 blog:2010:0219_happy_chinese_new_year 2010/02/18 21:37 current
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{{tag> Chinese_New_Year}} {{tag> Chinese_New_Year}}
Dear Em,\\ Dear Em,\\
-Hope you are fine. Just wishing you a very Happy Chinese New Year!! New Year was earlier this week, so sorry I'm late in posting this!  I have bought you some small presents (just the usual stuff), so I'll put a photo of them here an post these soon!\\+Hope you are fine. Just wishing you a very Happy Chinese New Year!! New Year was earlier this week, so sorry I'm late in posting this!  I have bought you some small presents (just the usual stuff), so I'll put a photo of them here and post these soon!\\
Things are OK here. Work has been extremely busy lately though. Lulu was in a fight with another cat earlier this week and a bite on her back got infected and I had to take her to the vet last night. She is fine though. The abscess has burst and seems to be healing up well.  Poor Lulu though!\\ Things are OK here. Work has been extremely busy lately though. Lulu was in a fight with another cat earlier this week and a bite on her back got infected and I had to take her to the vet last night. She is fine though. The abscess has burst and seems to be healing up well.  Poor Lulu though!\\
I'm on the bus to work now. It is Friday, so hopefully day will go OK and I can look forward to a nice weekend.\\ I'm on the bus to work now. It is Friday, so hopefully day will go OK and I can look forward to a nice weekend.\\
-Hope you are enjoying your New Year celebrations and that you have a great New Year ahead!! Take care and hope to be in touch some time.+Hope you are enjoying your New Year celebrations and that you have a great New Year ahead!! Take care and hope to be in touch some time.\\
Lots of love,\\ Lots of love,\\
Aaron :-) Aaron :-)
blog/2010/0219_happy_chinese_new_year.1266528973.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/02/18 21:36 by aaron     Back to top