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blog:2008:1130_what_i_m_reading 2008/11/30 03:25 blog:2008:1130_what_i_m_reading 2008/11/30 03:27 current
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-{{tag> books Gene_Wolfe}}+{{tag> books Gene_Wolfe library}}
Hi again Em,\\ Hi again Em,\\
-At the risk of boring you I'll use this to keep a note of what I am reading currently. It will be nice for me to keep a record and hopefully you might even find some good reading tips!\\+At the risk of boring you I'll use this blog to keep a note of what I am reading currently. It will be nice for me to keep a record and hopefully you might even find some good reading tips!\\
== In Green's Jungles, by Gene Wolfe == == In Green's Jungles, by Gene Wolfe ==
blog/2008/1130_what_i_m_reading.1228015520.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/11/30 03:25 by aaron     Back to top