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-{{tag> books Gene_Wolfe}}+{{tag> books Gene_Wolfe library}}
Hi again Em,\\ Hi again Em,\\
-At the risk of boring you I'll use this to keep a note of what I am reading currently. It will be nice for me to keep a record and hopefully you might even find some good reading tips!\\+At the risk of boring you I'll use this blog to keep a note of what I am reading currently. It will be nice for me to keep a record and hopefully you might even find some good reading tips!\\
== In Green's Jungles, by Gene Wolfe == == In Green's Jungles, by Gene Wolfe ==
-This is the second book of the Short Sun series. I have just finished reading the first book called "On Blue's Waters" and that was wonderful. He is a wonderful writer of science fiction and fantasy. The series is set on a distant planet, where the writer is recounting his efforts to find a lost leader called Silk. It is \\+This is the second book of the Short Sun series. I have just finished reading the first book called "On Blue's Waters" and that was wonderful. He is a wonderful writer of science fiction and fantasy. The series is set on a distant planet, where the writer is recounting his efforts to find a lost leader called Silk. There is a lot of depth to his writing and I'm sure I'm not picking up all his references but it is great fun to read. \\
I borrowed both of these from that wonderful library, the Athenaeum ( http://www.melbourneathenaeum.org.au/ ).  I only discovered it about a month and a half ago. It is a beautiful, old building and one of my favourite places in Melbourne now.\\ I borrowed both of these from that wonderful library, the Athenaeum ( http://www.melbourneathenaeum.org.au/ ).  I only discovered it about a month and a half ago. It is a beautiful, old building and one of my favourite places in Melbourne now.\\
Bye for now.\\ Bye for now.\\
-Love, Aaron :-)\\+Lots of love,\\ 
 +Aaron xxx ooo\\
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