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blog:2008:1130_numbat 2008/11/30 10:52 blog:2008:1130_numbat 2008/12/01 08:45 current
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-{{tag>}}+{{tag> Christmas fauna}}
Hi Em,\\ Hi Em,\\
-Grandma (or Mum as I call her!) send me an early Xmas present that I thought you'd like to see. It is a donation on my behalf to help save the Australian Numbat. Don't you think it is just beautiful?\\+Grandma (or Mum as I call her!) sent me an early Xmas present that I thought you'd like to see. It is a donation on my behalf to help save the Australian Numbat. Don't you think it is just beautiful?\\
{{:blog:2008:ecard-banner-numbat.jpg|}}\\ {{:blog:2008:ecard-banner-numbat.jpg|}}\\
Lots of love,\\ Lots of love,\\
Aaron xxx ooo\\ Aaron xxx ooo\\
blog/2008/1130_numbat.1228042357.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/11/30 10:52 by aaron     Back to top