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blog:2008:1130_hi_from_vic_state_library 2008/11/30 03:08 blog:2008:1130_hi_from_vic_state_library 2008/11/30 11:00 current
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====== Hi from Vic State Library ====== ====== Hi from Vic State Library ======
-{{tag>library}}+{{tag>library church}}
Hi Emma,\\ Hi Emma,\\
-Hope you are fine. I finally got this blog software going (http://www.awcook.org/wiki/doku.php). It is a lot easier to update than what I was doing before. All I need is an Internet connection. I'm at the Victoria State Library at the moment using their free wireless Internet.\\+Hope you are fine. I finally got this blog software going (http://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki). It is a lot easier to update than what I was doing before. All I need is an Internet connection. I'm at the Victoria State Library at the moment using their free wireless Internet.\\
Alex was at church this morning, which was great to see. He is my 99 year old friend that you will remember, I'm sure. He had a fall in his garden about a month ago and has spend time in hospital and respite recovering before he could return home. He is so happy to be back home. I normally spend Christmas day with Alex and Nancy, his sister, and he invited me again today. It is always a special time in Alex's wonderful, old house. I said that I will bring lots of food this year, so I had better get organised on what I will cook!\\ Alex was at church this morning, which was great to see. He is my 99 year old friend that you will remember, I'm sure. He had a fall in his garden about a month ago and has spend time in hospital and respite recovering before he could return home. He is so happy to be back home. I normally spend Christmas day with Alex and Nancy, his sister, and he invited me again today. It is always a special time in Alex's wonderful, old house. I said that I will bring lots of food this year, so I had better get organised on what I will cook!\\
Hope you have some great plans for this Christmas, Em. I haven't started any Christmas shopping as yet but will do that next weekend. \\ Hope you have some great plans for this Christmas, Em. I haven't started any Christmas shopping as yet but will do that next weekend. \\
blog/2008/1130_hi_from_vic_state_library.1228014492.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/11/30 03:08 by aaron     Back to top