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blog:2008:1130_hi_from_vic_state_library 2008/11/30 03:00 blog:2008:1130_hi_from_vic_state_library 2008/11/30 11:00 current
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====== Hi from Vic State Library ====== ====== Hi from Vic State Library ======
-{{tag>library}}+{{tag>library church}}
Hi Emma,\\ Hi Emma,\\
-Hope you are fine. I finally got this blog software going (dokuwiki). It is a lot easier to updatethan what I was doing before. All I need is an Internet connection. I'm at the Victoria State Library at the moment using their free wireless Internet.\\ +Hope you are fine. I finally got this blog software going (http://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki). It is a lot easier to update than what I was doing before. All I need is an Internet connection. I'm at the Victoria State Library at the moment using their free wireless Internet.\\ 
-Alex was at church this morning, which was great to see. He is my 99 year old friend that you will remember, I'm sure. He had a fall in his garden about a month ago and has spend time in hospital and respite recovering before he could return home. He is so happy to be back home. I normally spend Christmas day with Alex and Nancy, his sister, and he invited me again today. It is always a special time in Alex wonderful, old house. I said that I will bring lots of food this year, so I had better get organised on what I will cook!\\+Alex was at church this morning, which was great to see. He is my 99 year old friend that you will remember, I'm sure. He had a fall in his garden about a month ago and has spend time in hospital and respite recovering before he could return home. He is so happy to be back home. I normally spend Christmas day with Alex and Nancy, his sister, and he invited me again today. It is always a special time in Alex's wonderful, old house. I said that I will bring lots of food this year, so I had better get organised on what I will cook!\\ 
 +Hope you have some great plans for this Christmas, Em. I haven't started any Christmas shopping as yet but will do that next weekend. \\ 
 +Hope you are having a great time and will write again soon.\\ 
 +Lots of love,\\ 
 +Aaron xxx ooo\\
blog/2008/1130_hi_from_vic_state_library.1228014039.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/11/30 03:00 by aaron     Back to top